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Maha Arogya Dhama

The word Maha is of Sanskrit origin and it means "powerful, mighty".  It is also of Arabic origin, where its meaning is "beauty" 

Arogya Dhama” in Sanskrit means a place to live a Joyful life without disease.

Maha Arogya Dhama Is Located in Gokarna, An Ancient Vedic Town located in west coast of India.

Maha Arogya Dhama follows Padma Patha the path of highest joy that comes from within our own Self. Padma Patha is the path of transformation, which includes practices and disciplines leading to acquiring radiance of body and clarity of mind, a thorough study of oneself having complete faith in the guiding and protecting force within.

Teachers associated with Dhama are practitioners with blissful experience from their own Yogic journey and knowledge imparted from Vedic Lineage.

Guru’s Inspiration

“ Through the intensified and refined sensitivity as well as though the deepened awareness that evolve out of the yoga practice, one if able to lift the whole field of pranic activity into the area of consciousness, and by that we can learn to regulate these activities in the desired manner”

“ That leads to a complete transformation of individual consciousness and through that we can experience our own inner state as nothing else but the clear and unconditioned consciousness that is not blurred by the concept of time and space. This is the ultimate goal of any yogic practice”

“ Yoga methods are not meant as an instant solution for several problems of your own life. The abilities that you can learn through the practice have to be converted to the rest of your existence and to be integrated in all other aspects of your life. This is the path, by which you can start living your life in meaningful ways”

- Shrikrishna 


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