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Article About Yoga

New Study Finds New Connection Between Yoga and Mood (Aug. 23, 2010) — Researchers have found that yoga may be superior to other forms of exercise in its positive effect on mood and anxiety. The findings are the first to demonstrate an association between yoga postures        readmore

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About madyogi

Namaste ! A Journey of 1000 Miles starts with the first step, but its a secret about the first step itself. Nobody knows where,how, and when to take the first lunge. There are numerous scriptures, doctrines, and So Called " Gurus" available across the globe . But none tells you about that one secret. As a wise man once said " The thing can not be said should not be said". But it is funny that there are schools with hoardings giving certificates for " Master of divinity" as well . However one has to be fool to be ignorant in this age of information. Every qualification, certification has zero value if one fails to know himself . It took 8 Long years for me to find that secret through relentless practice, re-search, and self study of my own self through to reach this state of " Good for Nothing" i mean to be ordinary and Goal-free. I will be glad if i can be of any help to any one with tips and methods to this madness. But the the path is derived by each one themselves, i have no role to play in anyones path apart from being a tour guide and i would call the path i walk as " Padmapatha " , a Path of self discipline and self enquiry. With Lv & Light , Padma / The Madyogi

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