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Our System

Our Teaching methodology follows “Padma Patha©” the path of transformation, which includes practices and disciplines leading to acquiring radiance of body and clarity of mind, a thorough study of oneself having complete faith in the guiding and protecting force within.

Our Teaching is based on blend of Vedic, Upanisadic , Yogic and other Universal Techniques . Our Masters feel any technique that originated in Meditative minds of Sages are equally useful . The teaching of upanishads are supreme expressions of the eternal wisdom, the eternal vision of the vedic Seers, Consequently, though simple in their mode of expression, they can be extremely hard to grasp. The Rishis Like Bhusanacharya and Shrikrishnacharya are established in self almost opposite to that of most of us. But it is possible of attaintment, and so the wise cultivate it. Yet we need the guiance along the way , and need to carefully look in to the upanishadic dicta for the guidance. There are many things that we need to know, but the truth embodied in the upanishads and their inspired summary, the Gita, must be known by all who would want to ascend to higher life. Same goes with Teachings Involving Sufi,Tao,Zen and Others. So they merit our intent consideration of walking the blissful path of Padma Patha©.

Knowledge refered from Ancient Scriptures :

  • Upanisads
  • Braham sutra
  • Bhagavad Gita
  • Patanjali Yoga Sutras
  • Hatha Yoga Pradipika
  • Yoga Vasista
  • Gheranda Samhita
  • Yoga Ratnavali

Methods of Sadhana :


  • Listen and Read
  • Continous Practice
  • Comprehend new Ideas
  • Accept as Making sense


  • Reflect on new ideas
  • Discuss and articulate doubt
  • Resolve doubts


  • Absorb new ideas
  • Apply in daily life
  • Be Quiet Alert Vigilant
  • Meditate and Identify weeknesses
  • Setup achievale Goals
  • Monitor progress
  • Cultivate qualities needed for knowledge

Love & Light ! 



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